
Friday, April 21, 2006

2nd Attempt at New LO

I was really stuck on this layout. I had a vision in my mind that just wasn't quite making it to the LO. SO I posted and showed it to my friend Barbara and she was able to give me some constructive criticism...Thanks for the helpful advice Barbara.....How is this one??

New Layout of the Boys

I was playing around with some pictures that were taken on Easter and came up with this Layout. It didn't turn out exactly as imagined, but I think it looks OK.

Cucumber Cool Kit by Kim Crothers

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Say Cheese!

Seems simple to get three kids and a dog to be still for a photo, right?? If you answered yes to the previous question it is apparent that you have no kids and have never had contact with any either! LOL
Rainy Season Kit by Kim Crothers

The Taylors - ONLINE

There is NO lack of TECHNOLOGY at the Taylor House!!

My Three Sons

Sloppy borders kit by Kim Crothers

Easter Pics 2

Note: the Jack's hair is standing on end!!

21 Day Challenge - way behind but here's what I have...

American Dogwood Kit by Sarah Bardorf

Spring Fever Kit by Kim Crothers

Friday, April 14, 2006

Easter Pics Part 1

Pastel Crush Kit by Kim Crothers
Easter Egg Kit by Kim Crothers
Font: Courtney Babcock
We had a great time hunting Easter eggs today! The boys were so excited that it was difficult to get them to sit still for this pic, but I think it turned out really well!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

21 Day Challenge - Day 12

I woke up early to get to the gym and do my "baby steps" class. I got there, walked on the treadmill to warm up, set up my step out on the aerobics floor and got ready. Then Lisa, the instructor got up there and announced "POWERSTEP" starting now. ARGH. I immediately said that I couldn't do it. Lisa encouraged me to stay and at least give it a try and surprisingly, I made it through the entire class (except the abs part) And I did at least do crunches while they were doing their complex ball routine. I am so proud of me!! Now I feel like I CAN do the powersteps. I wonder if I would have ever tried it otherwise?

Friday, April 07, 2006

21 Day Challenge - Day 11

Exhaustion has overtaken me. I stayed up way too late last night and fought dozing off all day long. SO I didn't go to the gym. I did however go walking with the kids to the park. (it is something). There is a baby steps class tomorrow morning at 9 that I would like to make it to. Surely I will be rested by then.

Day 11 Layout: Bubble Gum Machine Kit
by Angie Briggs
Font: Vivaldi Italic

Thursday, April 06, 2006

21 Day Challenge - Day 10

Looked forward to going to the gym today! I did my "baby steps" class and actually made it all the way through without stopping to gasp!

Day 10 Layout: Majestic Night
by Lisa Cohen
Font: Perpetua Tilting MT Bold
Staples: from Smudge Kit
by Kim Crothers

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

21 Day Challenge - Day 8-9

didn't get around to post yesterday... things were so busy around here. Did work out and feel great !! I even looked forward to going today!

Day 9 Layout: Camp
by Kim Crothers @ CreativeSnaps.com
Font: Papyrus

Day 8 Layout: Splendid
by Shabbyprincess.com
Font: Papyrus

Monday, April 03, 2006

21 Day Challenge - Day 7

Ok so I was bad today. I didn't work out, but I missed it. I am looking forward to tomorrow's routine!
Day 7 Layout: Autumn by Ping Designs
Font: Matura MT Script Caps

Sunday, April 02, 2006

21 Day Challenge - Day 5-6

This weekend has been pretty good for the challenge. I did a workout tape last night in lieu of going to the gym, and I took today (Sunday) off. So this week I went to the gym or exercised a total of 6 times! (My goal was 5 times). The only problem I am having right now is my house is an absolute disaster area. When I leave school, then go to the gym, then feed the kids, and do my journal it is LATE. I didn't post yesterday so I could catch up a little. Anyway, maybe I will do better with that this week!

Day 5 Layout: Sunny Side Kit
by Kim Crothers @ CreativeSnaps.com
Font: Papyrus

Day 6 Layout: Rainy Season Kit
by Kim Crothers @ CreativeSnaps.com
Font: Showcard Gothic